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Frederick Taylor is the key theorist that developed Taylor’s scientific management theory also known as Taylor's motivation theory. It concentrates on analysing workflows to find the best way tasks can be performed to maximise efficiency. The scientific study of finding the best method is called the ‘time and motion study'.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenFrederick Taylor is the key theorist that developed Taylor’s scientific management theory also known as Taylor's motivation theory. It concentrates on analysing workflows to find the best way tasks can be performed to maximise efficiency. The scientific study of finding the best method is called the ‘time and motion study'.
While Taylor's management approach emphasises using scientific methods to increase productivity, it also points to financial incentives as the main motivator for employees.
Taylor’s motivation theory argues that money is the main force that motivates employees to work at a company.
Therefore, to motivate employees Taylor’s theory suggests that instead of paying employees a fixed salary they should receive performance-based pay. He believed that it would motivate workers to work harder without supervision.
There are four key principles that scientific management theory is created upon. They are identified as:
1. Scientific methods
The meaning of this principle is that the techniques that are created to perform a task are scientifically proven. Additionally, the science principle means that ways of doing a job should be constantly developed to make work more effective and efficient rather than sticking to the old ways.
2. Clear division of responsibilities
This means that the business manager should divide employees to specialise in one task rather than perform multiple tasks. This will ensure that one part of the project is completed and that employee is an expert in performing that task.
3. Performance-based pay
Managers should establish bonuses for high performing employees. This should motivate employees to exceed their set targets and be recognised for their hard work.
4. Rigid hierarchy and strict surveillance of employees
This way employees are aware of their responsibilities as well as know whom to report to in the workplace. Managers are responsible for training employees and monitoring their performance that ensures that employees achieve their set targets.
Fig. 1 - Scientific management theory
As with every theory, Taylor’s scientific management theory has both advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages and disadvantages of Taylor's theory
The advantages of Taylor's theory are:
The disadvantages of Taylor's theory are:
Costly method - Establishing a scientific management theory will require a lot of investment from the organisation. The procedure of scientifically testing each method, planning and training staff will require a lot of funds.
Control of employees - This can also be a drawback as control of employees must follow activities that are set by the managers. This makes work repetitive, does not allow employees to be creative and reduces their motivation.
Alienation - As employees are mainly focused on how to better perform the task and increase their performance results. Employees are alienated from social interactions and collaborations with colleagues.
Increased unemployment - Due to the technical approach and specialisation of task execution employees can be easily replaced by technology. This can increase the unemployment rates.
Deskilling- Due to the task specialisation and complete responsibility taken by managers, employees are not trained to perform any other task apart from the one that they are specialised in. Therefore employees may not have the skills to perform other duties in the business. As well as they may forget their previously attained skills as employees will not be practising them.
Harry Braverman is one of the key critics of Taylor’s scientific management theory. Braverman systematically criticised Taylor’s theory. The key points that Bareverman criticised were:
Disskiling of employees - Baverman argued that making employees specialise in a particular task makes them deskilled. The employees may lose important skills that they previously had by the loss of opportunity to exercise them. As well as deskilled workers can be easily replaced by other employees or new technology.
Separation of conception and execution - The separation of scientific method development and workers, makes employees alienated. A procedure of performing a task is developed by managers, not employees themselves, meaning that the methods of performing a task may not fit employees.
Monopoly over knowledge - The workers become undifferentiated individuals who can be easily controlled by the management. Employees are trained to perform simple tasks while managers have all the knowledge and power to make decisions.
In the business context, Taylor’s theory is used by larger organisations that generally implement bureaucratic structures. Examples of types of organisations are manufacturing plants, car industries, some hospitals and fast food chains.
The business example that has incorporated Taylor’s theory into their practice is Mcdonalds.
In Mcdonald’s every worker is divided into separate tasks. Such as groups of people are divided into the burger-making process, which includes grilling the meat, adding salad, condiments, etc. Other employees are specialised to perform tasks such as taking orders etc. Another group of employees are responsible for customer service and handling payments.
All workers work under the strict supervision of a manager and perform tasks that they are assigned. As well as scientifically proved the best method is used to perform a task most efficiently. For example, to decrease customer waiting time new self-service technologies were implemented. These technologies have replaced tasks that could be undertaken by human labour.
There are key differences between these two theories:
First, Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory consists of both motivation and hygiene factors. The motivation factors are implemented to employees to engage and motivate them towards work. While hygiene factors are essential and employees expect to receive them in every workplace.
Motivation and hygiene factors are measured by levels the higher the level of each factor the more satisfied employees will be with their workplace.
Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory
The Herzberg theory is different from Taylor’s theory because Herzberg theory believes that employees are motivated by factors other than money such as achievement, praise, interest in work and responsibility. While ‘hygiene’ factors such as money do not exactly motivate the workers but are essential to avoid employee dissatisfaction. While Taylor believed that workers’ motivation is limited to monetary gains.
Moreover, Taylor’s theory concentrates on investing in new technologies and scientific methodology to make work more efficient. While Herzberg’s theory concentrates on investing in employees to increase their engagement, motivation towards work and improvement of working conditions. This is also believed to be beneficial to the organisation as employee performance will increase.
Taylor’s scientific management theory believes that workers should be assigned to small and manageable tasks, be control and perform their tasks exactly as they were told. On the other hand, Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory concentrated on employees engagement and motivation at work. Therefore the tasks are assigned to employees so that employees are interested in work, have an opportunity to develop in their careers, have a responsibility and are praised for their achievements.
Taylor’s theory is summarised in four key principles that include: 1) Scientific methods are used to discover the most efficient way to perform a task 2) Clear division of responsibilities 3) Performance-based pay 4) Rigid hierarchy and strict surveillance of employees.
The key advantages of Taylor’s theory are: increased production, managers being in control of their workforce, the cost of production is reduced, the performance-based payment system being introduced and reduced inaccuracy.
The key disadvantages of Taylor’s theory are that this management system is a costly method and the control of employees may reduce their creativity and motivation towards work. Moreover, workers are alienated, unemployment increases as workers can be easily replaced by new technologies, and employees are deskilled.
Braverman is the key critique of Taylor’s scientific management theory. The key points that he critiqued the most were deskilling of employees, Separation of conception and execution, monopoly over knowledge.
Taylor’s scientific management theory is still used today in manufacturing industries, some hospitals and fast food chains. A real-life example of an organisation that continues to implement this method is Mcdonald’s.
The main difference between Taylor’s and Herzberg theories was that Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory stated that employees are motivated by other things than money and Taylor’s theory states that employees are motivated only by monetary gains.
Taylor's theory of motivation is also known as the money as a motivator theory. It argues that money is the main force that motivates employees to work at a company. According to Taylor, there is only one right way to do each job - that is to motivate employees with coercion (threat of firing) or money.
The main difference between the Herzberg's and Taylor's motivation theory is that while the former argued that the employees can be motivated by other things than money, the other stated that monetary gains are the only thing that motivates people to work.
The four principles of Taylor's Scientific Management are:
What is the meaning of Taylor’s scientific management theory?
The scientific management theory is created to give managers guidance on how to manage and motivate employees. Taylor’s theory stresses that employees should be assigned to perform one specific task, scientific methods are used to find one best way to perform a task, managers directly supervise employees and employees are paid based on their performance. The main motivation factor for employees is monetary gains.
Who is a key theorist of the scientific management theory?
The key thinker of this theory is Fredrick Taylor.
What are the key principles of Taylor’s theory?
There are four principles of Taylor’s scientific management theory. That includes: 1)Scientific methods are used to discover the most efficient way to perform a task 2) Clear division of responsibilities 3) Performance-based pay 4) Rigid hierarchy and strict surveillance of employees.
How is Taylor’s scientific management theory is beneficial for businesses and employees?
The key benefits of this theory for the company and employees are that per-unit costs are reduced due to the large scale production. Better quality products are produced as employees are each specialised to perform a specific task and wages are higher for the hardworking employees.
What are the key advantages of scientific management theory?
The key advantages of Taylor’s theory are:
Increased production,
managers are being in control of their workforce,
The cost of production is reduced,
The performance-based payment system
Reduced inaccuracy.
How is being in control identified as an advantage?
This is an advantage for managers as they can have control of employees and be exactly aware of their work performance. For managers, it makes it easier to monitor employees.
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