News July 31, 2023

StudySmarter Announces New US Name: Vaia

Today, StudySmarter, an award-winning educational technology company, reveals its fresh new name Vaia for multiple markets, including the US and Spain.

This brand transformation reflects the company’s evolving vision and its commitment to enhancing learning experiences and guiding individuals through their lifelong learning journey. With a new, exciting, and innovative brand name, the EdTech company takes another step towards becoming a truly category-defining global leader in the education technology sector.

Say hello to Vaia as StudySmarter, the award-winning EdTech company, announces a new brand name Vaia in the US and Spain

The name Vaia (pronounced ‘Va – ya’) is inspired by the Spanish term ‘Vaya,’ symbolizing movement, progress, and journey. “Vaia embodies our core purpose: to facilitate learners on their journey from one life station to another, from school to university, and from university to their professional careers and more. For us, learning and progress never stops” said Maurice Khudhir, Co-Founder of StudySmarter. 

This change not only underscores our dedication to the B2C learning application aspect of our service, but it also encompasses the career development opportunities we provide for learners throughout their learning process. Apart from the name, learners will not see any other immediate changes on the platform.

Vaia is globally live now and accessible at The DACH region will remain StudySmarter until further notice.


About StudySmarter:

StudySmarter, also known as Vaia in the US and Spain, is a pioneering digital learning platform committed to guiding individuals through their personal and professional learning journey. From school to university to career, the EdTech supports learners worldwide in achieving their unique educational goals and career aspirations.

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