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If you've ever used a thermostat, you know that you can set the temperature to be optimal (Fig. 1). First, the sensors will detect whether the set temperature matches the temperature in the house. If the temperature does not match, the thermostat will send signals to the heating or cooling system.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenIf you've ever used a thermostat, you know that you can set the temperature to be optimal (Fig. 1). First, the sensors will detect whether the set temperature matches the temperature in the house. If the temperature does not match, the thermostat will send signals to the heating or cooling system.
If the house is too warm, the cooling system will turn on, and if the house is too cold, the heating system will turn on until the optimal temperature is reached. Then, the thermostat will work to counteract any disturbances to the optimal temperature. The thermostat is an example of a feedback mechanism to keep the temperature at a steady state. Just like home systems, our bodies, and other living systems can also maintain a steady-state using feedback mechanisms!
Interested in learning about feedback mechanisms? Keep reading to find out!
Figure 1: A thermostat is an example of a home system that uses a feedback mechanism to regulate temperature.
Our bodies work tirelessly to keep us alive. Every day, our bodies have to adapt to different environmental cues, from waking up in the morning, to digesting a meal, moving around, focusing at school, and then going back to sleep. But at each step, our body adapts to the environment so that we are not too hungry, not too full, not too hot or cold, and not too tired.
For the most part, our bodies respond to all these different cues by activating feedback mechanisms to maintain a relatively stable internal state. This tendency for our body to return to a steady state following an environmental change is called homeostasis.
Let's take a look at the definition of homeostasis.
In organisms, homeostasis refers to the tendency to return to a steady and ideal state after environmental changes.
There are several physiological processes that need to remain in homeostasis, including body temperature, blood pH, and blood glucose concentration. In fact, the body has tight regulation of these processes and even slight variations from the homeostatic set point can be fatal.
The homeostatic set point of body temperature, for example, is 97.7–99.5 °F (approximately 37 °C) and fluctuations to the set point by 4 °F (3 °C) can be fatal. Therefore, it is important for the body to have mechanisms in place to tightly maintain homeostasis!
A homeostatic set point describes the normal range of physiological values that is healthy and stable for a controlled variable.
There are three components involved in homeostasis:
The mechanisms by which homeostasis is maintained are called feedback mechanisms. Feedback mechanisms describe the way that an organism, cell, or even enzyme maintains homeostasis following an environmental disruption.
Figure 2. This diagram shows the feedback mechanism to control body temperature.
In living systems, feedback mechanisms are often described as self-regulating loops because they can first sense that a change has occurred, respond to the change, and then stop the response once homeostasis has been reached. Then the loop is "reset" so that it can respond to a different stimulus.
Feedback mechanisms are metabolic processes that are used by living systems to maintain a steady internal state known as homeostasis.
There are two main types of feedback mechanisms in biology: positive feedback and negative feedback. In both cases, feedback mechanisms begin when there is an external stimulus that leads to changes away from the set point, triggering the correct feedback loop.
Negative feedback is a control mechanism that reduces or reverses a change in the external environment.
For example, after a meal, blood glucose spikes, triggering negative feedback to bring blood glucose variables back to its normal range (homeostasis).
Positive feedback is a control mechanism that senses a change and triggers mechanisms to amplify that change instead of return to homeostasis.
The formation of blood clots to control bleeding is an example of positive feedback.
But, how do these feedback mechanisms work? We will talk about them more in depth in the next section!
Now that you know a little bit about what positive feedback and negative feedback mechanisms are, and how they are connected to homeostasis, let's go ahead and explore each of them in more detail!
Let's start with negative feedback (also called feedback inhibition).
Living systems create negative feedback mechanisms to counteract stimuli and return to homeostasis. In other words, the response of the effector negates the stimulus and brings the body back to homeostasis.
After a stimulus induces a change in homeostasis, the living system will work to return the body back to the homeostatic set point. The general steps of negative feedback are stimulation, reception, processing, and response.
Step 1: Stimulation - During stimulation, an external stimulation causes a deviation from the set point.
Step 2: Reception - During reception, sensory receptors in our bodies will detect that an external stimulus has occurred.
Step 3: Processing - During processing, the sensory receptors will send signals to our brain (regulatory center) that an external stimulus is sensed, to that it can be interpreted.
Step 4: Response - During the response, the brain will coordinate the activity of many components of the body to counteract the initial stimulation, and send the instructions to the effector that will then carry out the response.
Blood pressure is regulated through negative feedback. First, baroreceptors (pressure sensitive receptors) detect higher blood pressure and send nerve impulses to the control center in the brain for interpretation. Then, a response is sent to heart and blood vessels telling the arterial walls to relax, causing blood pressure to decrease.
Figure 3. Negative feedback mechanism to control blood pressure.
Did you know that negative feedback plays an important role in enzyme regulation? Basically, it regulates multi-enzyme complexes and metabolic pathways to prevent the overproduction of a product!
For example, in the process of glycolysis (breaking down glucose to make ATP), phosphofructokinase (PFK) is an enzyme that catalyzes a reaction step. When high levels of ATP (product) are formed, the ATP acts as an effector, inhibiting/"turning off" PFK.
Now, let's focus on positive feedback.
Positive feedback occurs when a living system amplifies a stimulus to move the body away from steady state.
Similar to negative feedback, the four steps of positive feedback mechanisms include stimulation, reception, processing, and response. However, instead of bringing changes back, it strengthens/amplifies it!
As an example, let's take a look at the feedback mechanism that occurs during normal childbirth. Increasing of contractions causes the baby to be forced into the cervix. The cervix stretches, and stretch-sensitive receptors send nerve impulses to the control center in the brain. The control center interprets the input signal and releases oxytocin, causing the muscles in the uterus wall to increase contraction. This amplification/increase in contraction leads to an increase in the stretching of the cervix, allowing the baby to pass through. Once the baby is born, the stretching of cervix decreasing, causing the positive feedback loop to stop.
Figure 4. Positive feedback loop in normal childbirth.
By now, you have probably noticed that feedback mechanisms are essential for our bodies to function effectively. So, let's look at other examples involving negative and positive feedback mechanisms in biology.
Being able to regulate blood sugar is critical for survival. When regulation through negative feedback does not function correctly, chronic disorders such as type 2 diabetes might arise.
In a typical person, when blood sugar levels rise after eating a meal, the pancreas responds by producing and then releasing the hormone insulin into the blood. When insulin binds to receptors located on the liver, it triggers the liver to take up glucose, thereby lowering blood glucose concentrations.
However, in a person with type 2 diabetes, although insulin secretion is normal, they have insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the poor regulation of blood sugar due to insulin resistance (insulin receptors are desensitized to insulin and no longer respond to insulin). Insulin resistant leads to hyperglycemia, or elevated glucose!
Figure 5. This diagram shows the negative feedback mechanism that occurs in a typical person when blood glucose levels increases or decreases.
Now, let's look at an example involving positive feedback and lactation in mammals. Lactation is the process of synthesizing and secreting milk from mammary glands located in the mother's breasts. Lactation generally serves as the primary source of nutrients for a newborn following birth.
In humans, when a newborn begins to nurse from the nipples of the mother, it triggers production of the hormone prolactin in the mother. The release of prolactin (from the anterior pituitary) and oxytocin (from the posterior pituitary) further stimulates lactation so that the mother produces sufficient amounts of milk for the baby. When the baby is weaned, prolactin levels drop back to levels before breastfeeding, thus ending the cycle.
Figure 6. Positive feedback and lactation in mammals.
A summary of the differences between positive feedback mechanisms and negative feedback mechanisms and their effects on homeostasis is listed in table 1 below.
Table 1: The differences between positive and negative feedback mechanisms
Negative Feedback | Positive Feedback | |
Definition | A mechanism in living systems to counteract the effects of a stimulus and return the system back to homeostasis | A mechanism in living systems to amplify the effects of a stimulus and move the system to a new equilibrium |
End result | Counteracts the effects of the external stimulus | Amplifies the effects of the initial stimulus |
Prevalence | Very common | Not very common |
Examples | Blood sugar regulation, temperature regulation | the onset of child labor, and lactation in animals |
Feedback mechanisms describe the way that an organism, cell, or even enzyme maintains homeostasis following an environmental disruption.
Feedback mechanisms describe the way that an organism, cell, or even enzyme maintains homeostasis following an environmental disruption.
A negative feedback loop in biology is when a living system works to counteract a stimulus to return the system back to homeostasis.
Blood sugar regulation is an example of a negative feedback mechanism. Lactation in mammals is an example of a positive feedback mechanism.
A mechanism in living systems to amplify the effects of a stimulus and move the system to a new equilibrium
What is homeostasis?
It is the process where the internal conditions of an organism stay the same
What does homeostasis maintain?
Maintaining proteins' structures, water potential in the body, and successfully adapting the body's temperature to changing external conditions.
Proteins are sensitive to temp and pH
Why is water potential more important for animal cells than plant cells?
Plant cells have a cell wall that protect them
What are hemolysis and plasmolysis?
Hemolysis is cell swelling and plasmolysis is cell shrinking
The body's ability to maintain a constant internal temperature allows us to live in different climates
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